Friday, July 1, 2011

Bhupendra Kumar Dave on Pyramid and Pranayam

पिरामिड और प्राणायम

प्राचीन मिश्र के लोगों की मान्यता थी कि मृत्यु के बाद भी जीवन का अस्तित्व बना रहता है और मृत्यु के बाद जब तक शरीर को सुरक्षित रखा जावे तब तक आत्मा भी सुरक्षित रहती है। वे राजा को ईश्वर का प्रतिनिधि मानते थे और इसलिये उन्होंने उनके शव को सुरक्षित रखने पिरामिड बनवाये।
अतः पिरामिड में शवों को सुरक्षित रखने की चमत्कारी शक्तियों के प्रति उत्सुकता का जागना स्वाभाविक हुआ। विशेषकर उस समय से जब एक कुत्ता पिरामिड में चला गया और वहीं रहता कालान्तर मर गया। आश्चर्य की सीमा ही न रही जब लोगों ने देखा कि कुत्ते के शव से अंश भर भी सडांध नहीं आ रही थी।
फलतः पिरामिड पर अनुसंधान किये जाने लगे। एक परिक्षण में पाया गया कि पिरामिड के आकार में रखी खाद्य सामग्री संरक्षित व स्वादिष्ट बनी रहती है। एक और प्रयोग कुत्ते को पिरामिड के आकार के घर में रखकर किया गया और यह पाया गया कि कुत्ता वहाँ रहकर ज्यादा समझदार, आज्ञाकारी व स्वस्थ बना। इन प्रयोगों से ‘पिरामिड के पॉवर’ पर विश्वास जागृत हो गया। चीन में अस्पतालों को पिरामिड की आकृति दी जाने लगी। वैज्ञानिकों ने माना कि इन

पिरामिडों को धरती के अंदर की इलेक्ट्रोमेग्नेटिक तरंगों को ग्रहण करने की क्षमता होती है, जिसे वे अपनी चोटी के सहारे उसे ऊर्जा के रूप में दुबारा प्रवाहित करते हैं परन्तु इसके लिये पिरामिडों का उचित निर्माण होना आवश्यक है। उसका आकार ऐसा होना चाहिये कि उसकी चोटी पर दैविक या प्राकृतिक शक्तियाँ आकर इकठ्ठी हो जाती हों और वहाँ से समतल रूप में सब दीवारों पर से होती हुई पृथ्वी तक पहुँच जाती हों।
प्रयोग के तौर पर बैंगलोर निवासी अमरीकी सोफिया टेनब्रक ने प्लाईवुड का पिरामिड बनाकर उसमें सप्ताह में चार बार स्वयं बैठकर अपने आप को ज्यादा तरोताजा व स्वस्थ महसूस किया। प्रयोगों ने यह भी सिद्ध किया कि बुआई के पहले यदि बीजों को पिरामिडनुमा बक्से में रख दिया जाय तो वे ज्यादा अच्छी तरह अंकुरित होते हैं। पौधों को भी अगर पिरामिड में रखा जाय तो उनके विकास में सुधार होता है। सिरदर्द, पक्षाघात व हृदय रोगों में पिरामिड आकार के कमरों में बैठने से आश्चर्यजनक लाभ मिलता है। वैज्ञानिकों का मत है कि यदि दूषित जल को पिरामिड में रख दिया जाय तो वह बिना उबाले ही शुद्ध हो जाता है।
पिरामिड में बैठने से दर्द से मुक्ति मिलती है, नशे की आदत से छुटकारा मिलता है, तनाव से भी हटा जा सकता है। कारण कुछ भी हो, पर इतना अवश्य प्रमाणित हुआ है कि पिरामिड चमत्कारिक प्रभाव दिखाते हैं।
योग विद्या ने भी मानव शरीर को पिरामिड में रखने के लिये पद्मासन की कल्पना की।

प्राणायम के समय भी इसी मुद्रा में आकर शरीर को पिरामिड में रखा जाता है।

वास्तव में इन मुद्राओं में शरीर सामने से त्रिकोणाकृति का दिखता है, किन्तु यदि मानव शरीर की औरा (aura) को भी इस मुद्रा पर उकेरा जावे तो एक पिरामिड बन जाता है और शरीर के साथ आत्मा भी इस पिरामिड के अंदर आ जाती है।

मिश्र के पिरामिडों में मृत्यु के बाद आत्मा विहीन शरीर को ही पिरामिड में रखा गया है, जबकि उपरोक्त मुद्राओं में सशरीर आत्मा को मनुष्य को ईश्वर द्वारा दी गई दैविक शक्तिओं के प्रकाशपुंज से बने पिरामिड के अंदर रखा जाता है। इससे कुंडलिनियों को जागरण की शक्ति मिलती है, शरीर इन जाग्रत कुंडलिनियों के तेज को वहन करने योग्य हो जाता है तथा आत्मा दैविक प्रभामंडल में विचरण का आनंद करती हुई ईश्वर के सानिध्य का अनुभव करती है।
हम यह भी अनुभव करते है कि गुम्बद के नीचे हरइक आवाज प्रतिध्वनित होकर लगभग ‘ओम्’ ध्वनि उत्पन्न करती है। यदि गुम्बद की जगह त्रृटिहीन संपूर्ण गोले की कल्पना की जावे तो हरइक आवाज ‘ओम्’ ही होगी। यह प्रतिध्वनि शनैः शनैः क्षीण होती जावेगी। किन्तु यदि केन्द्र में एक निश्चित अंतराल में ‘ओम्’ ध्वनि उत्पन्न की जावे तो ‘ओम्’ ध्वनि का ह्रास नहीं होगा बल्कि ‘ओम्’ ध्वनि वैकल्पिक रूप से गोले की त्रिज्या के बराबर की दूरी शून्य समय में पूरी करती हुई केन्द्र में प्रतिध्वनित होती प्रतीत होगी। इस तरह ध्वनि की वैकल्पिक गति बढ़कर प्रकाश की तरंग-गति को प्राप्त करेगी, जिससे संपूर्ण गोला प्रकाशित होता प्रतीत होने लगेगा। पिरामिड के अंदर भी प्रतिध्वनित आवाज यही ध्वनि उत्पन्न करती है, इसलिये पद्मासन मुद्रा में ‘ओम्’ ध्वनि उत्पन्न करने का संतों ने कहा है। इस योग से आत्मा सशरीर दैविक प्रकाश का अनुभव करती है और मस्तिष्क ज्ञान की परमसीमा को प्राप्त करता है, जिसे ब्रम्हज्ञान कहा गया है।
यहाँ यह भी स्पष्ट करना आवश्यक है कि पिरामिड में अगर सही दिशा में नहीं बैठा जावे तो उसके दुश्परिणाम होते हैं। यही कारण है कि मिश्र के पिरामिडों के अंदर जानेवालों को प्रायः मृत्यु का आलिंगन करने मजबूर होना पड़ा।
इससे स्पष्ट होता है कि कुविचारों से ग्रस्त अवस्था में स्वयं के औरा के पिरामिड में याने पद्मासन में बैठकर मनन करना हानिकारक होता है। दूसरों के चरणस्पर्श के समय हम अपने आप को उसके औरा के पिरामिड के अंदर समर्पित करते हैं। अतः हमें यह ध्यान रखना चाहिये कि जिसके चरणस्पर्श हम करना चाहते हैं उसकी औरा दूषित तो नहीं है। दुर्जनों के पैर छूना इसलिये हिन्दुओं में वर्जित है। औरा के प्रभाव को समझने के लिये हम देखें कि रोता हुआ बच्चा किस तरह माँ या नानी की गोद पाकर एकदम शान्त हो जाता है और मुस्कुराने लगता है। वहीं हँसता-खेलता बच्चा ऐरेगेरे की गोद में जाकर अचानक चीखने और तिलमिलाने लगता है, क्योंकि वहाँ वह बेमेल औरा द्वारा निर्मित पिरामिड के अंदर आ जाता है।
यह भी कहा गया है कि पिरामिडों को उस स्थान पर बनाना चाहिये जहाँ चुम्बकीय या विद्युतीय क्षेत्र न हो। संतों ने इसलिये योग के लिये एकांत स्थल के चयन की बात की है। घर के अंदर पूजास्थल पर पद्मासन कर मनन करना उचित माना गया है क्योंकि वहाँ संस्कारवश प्रायः सभी का मन मलीनता खो बैठता है। घर में पूजागृह किसी तीर्थस्थल से कम नहीं होता।
अंत में यह कहा जा सकता है कि जिसतरह पिरामिड विश्व के महान आश्चर्य में से एक है, शायद उसी तरह योगविद्या विश्व की महान सोच में से एक है।


Thursday, November 25, 2010

Bhupendra Kumar Dave meri apni madhushala

मेरी अपनी मधुशाला

भूपेन्द्र कुमार दवे

हर प्याले में मेरा आँसू
बना हुआ था मधु हाला
‘ वाह वाह’ की गूँज उठी थी
खनक उठा था हर प्याला

दमक रहा था सब आँखों में
आँसू मेरा मोती-सा

चमक रही थी, चहक रही थी
मेरी अपनी मधुशाला।

दुख बरसे गर सावन-सा तो
भर लो अपना तुम प्याला
दहक उठे जब पीड़ा से मन
पी लो तुम आँसू हाला

सहनशक्ति की कमी मिटाने
इतना सा ही करना है

मुस्कानों से भरी हुई इक
बन जाना है मधुशाला।

जितना पी सकता उतना ही
आँसू मैंने पी डाला
फिर भी तू भरता जाता
पीड़ा से मेरा प्याला

छलक पड़ा जब यौवन मेरा

तूने दे दी नव हाला

जिसको पीकर देख रहा हूँ
सपनों में भी सुरबाला।

शब्दों में श्रृंगार विविध हैं
चुनकर गुँथने को माला
छन्दबद्ध पीड़ा भी बनती
चुभती कंटक सी माला

पर शब्दों की कलियाँ सुन्दर
महक उठाती हैं ऐसा

दिन में कविता, रात शायरी
बन जाती है मधुशाला।

दरक उठा था, टूट पड़ा था
मेरे हाथों में प्याला
अधरों में कंपन था जैसे
उफन रही हो विषहाला

कानों में झन्नाहट जागी
धड़कन भी कुछ तेज हुई

मेरी प्यास बुझाने तब यह
मचल उठी थी मधुशाला।

मैंने तो यह कभी न जाना
माँगो तो मिलती हाला
छीना छपटी करने पर ही
हाथों आता है प्याला

जो झगड़े वो दीवाने हैं
कहता हर पीनेवाला

मैं तो बस तरस दिखाकर ही
जीत सका हूँ मधुशाला।

मुझसे भी तू आगे निकला
तू जग में पीनेवाला
खोल रहा है ऐसी कितनी
हर घट में तू मधुशाला।

इस कारण तूने माटी का
मुझे बनाया है प्याला

जिसमें भर भर तू पीता है
मेरी पीड़ा की हाला।

कितना भी दुतकारो मुझको

पर मैं माँगूँगा हाला

ठुकराये गर मधुशाला तो

मैं ना ठुकराऊँ प्याला

सच कहता हूँ, कटुवचन से
कष्ट नहीं कुछ भी होता

पीनेवालों-सा आदी हूँ
गाली गर दे मधुशाला।


दिखता है हर इस दुनिया में
खुद को दफनानेवाला
काँधे पे जिसने लाश रखी
वह है सच जीनेवाला

आकर देखो इस दुनिया में
कफन अगर जो मिल जावे

मधुशाला वह खुली दिखेगी
बंद पड़ी जो मधुशाला।

कभी हलाहल बन जाती है
पीड़ा की चंचल हाला
जीवन भी जर-जर हो जाता
दरक उठे जब जब प्याला

मन भी काबू ना रह पाता
क्लेश जटिल जब हो जाता

पीड़ा से तब कह देता हूँ
आ बैठो तुम मधुशाला।

कभी हाथ से छूट गया तो
जाता टूट बिखर प्याला
और अधर सूखे रह जाते
ठुलक बहक जाती हाला

छूटे अधरों से प्याला तो
भाग्य बिगड़ ही जाता है

दे जाती तब दूजा प्याला
भाग्य बनाती मधुशाला।

जाना था मंदिर में मुझको
लेकर श्रद्धा का प्याला
पर जाने तू कहाँ गया था
छोड़ स्वयं की मधुशाला।

बढ़ा चला मैं जब कुछ आगे
पीछे से तूने टेरा

कहाँ चला है, तूने पूछा
लेकर प्यासी मधुशाला।

पीने और पिलानेवाले
भर जाते जब मधुशाला।
तब भी तुम खुद बाहर आकर
मुझे थमाते हो प्याला

तुममें है जितना अपनापन
उतना गर मुझमें होता

मैं भी खाली हाथ न आता
ना रखता गिरवी प्याला।

बैठ किनारे पी सकता था
अपनी किस्मत की हाला
लहरों से भी कह सकता था
मत ला सागर की हाला

नीली गहरी जहरीली-सी
लगती सागर की हाला

मैं तो मस्त रहा हूँ खुद में
बैठ किनारे मधुशाला।

बस इक पुण्य कमाने मैंने
कितने पापों को पाला
पाल पोसकर पापों को ही
बना हुआ हूँ मतवाला

अब भी गर कुछ पाप बचे हों
बतला दो वे सब मुझको

उनको भी मैं गुँथ डालूँगा
पुण्य समझकर ही आला।

मिलता है जब अवसर मुझको
पीता हूँ जी भर हाला
दुख की गठरी कोने में रख
पाता हूँ सुख का प्याला

चाहे विषधर साकी हो पर
गले लगाना पड़ता है

तब जाकर अच्छी लगती है
जीवन की यह मधुशाला।

कंटकमय पथ पर चलकर ही
मैंने पायी मधुशाला।
खून, पसीना, आँसू से ही
भर लाया मैं हर प्याला

पर मंजिल पर जाकर देखा
अंतिम साँसों के जरिये

उजड़ी उजड़ी सूनी सूनी
है जीवन की मधुशाला।

अच्छा है यह नशा चढ़ा है
पीकर थोड़ी-सी हाला
क्योंकि और ना बाँट सकी है
सूखी रूठी मधुशाला

जीवन में भी छिपा पड़ा है
ओंधा खाली हर प्याला

मरघट का ही रूप धरी है
मेरी बूढ़ी मधुशाला।

कहते हैं सहना पड़ता है
नशा अनोखा जो दे हाला
कदम कदम पर गिर जाता है
अहं हमारा मतवाला

गर्व अगर फिर भी है तुमको
निर्धन के घर जाकर देखो

उसकी पीड़ा देख जगत में
समझो क्या है मधुशाला।

इठलाती है, बलखाती है,
साकी-सा बन हर बाला
दर्पण में भी देख रही है
मस्त छलकती मधुशाला

यौवन के कलशों में लेकिन
उमर छिपानी पड़ती है

वरना अल्हड़ता आँधी की
बिखरा जाती मधुशाला।

पलने पर ही तूने दे दी
आँसू की मोटी माला
‘क्या हुआ रे’ बोल पड़ी थी
ममता की प्यारी हाला

मैं तो यूँ ही मूक पड़ा था
छलका कर आँसू धारा

गोदी मुझको लेकर माता
खोल रही थी मधुशाला।

सोच समझकर हे प्रभु कहना
किसका है सुन्दर प्याला
सोना, चाँदी, माणिक, मोती
लाखों बिकते हैं आला

पर मैंने तो दिल के टुकड़े
चुनवाये हैं खप्पर में

और हलाहल तुझसे लेकर
आ बैठा हूँ मधुशाला

अच्छे से चखकर ही कहना
किसकी है अच्छी हाला
फूलों का रस चुन चुनकर तो
बन सकती है मधु हाला

बिकती है बाजारों में भी
देश-विदेश बनी हाला

पर मैंने तो पीड़ा के रस से
भर डाली है मधुशाला।

पा लेता जीवन में सब कुछ
गर तुम दे जाते हाला
पीड़ा भी मिल जाती तो भी
भरकर पी जाता प्याला

अपयश भी यश बन जाता
पीता और पिलाता भी

मुझको आता देख पास में
खुलती जाती मधुशाला।

चल सकता तो चल ही लेता
पा जाता मैं मधुशाला
भर सकता तो भर भी लेता
क्यूँ रखता प्यासा प्याला

पर तूने अभिशाप दिया है
जीते जी मर जाने का

हुआ अपाहिज पड़ा हुआ हूँ
दूर खड़ी है मधुशाला।

सोचा था पा लूँगा मस्ती
बैठ तुम्हारी मधुशाला
बचपन, यौवन और बुढ़ापा
तीन बूँद की थी हाला

मचला बचपन, छलका यौवन
और बुढ़ापा भी आया

बनी मृत्यु की वो सब बूँदें
तजकर मेरी मधुशाला।

जीवन में झंकृत होता है
टूटी वीणा-सा प्याला
बिखरी साँसों की रुनझुन में
बहती है रग में हाला

संगीत पुराना हो फिर भी
गीत नया बन जाता है

गा उठती है रुँधे कंठ से
सिसक सिसककर मधुशाला।

कैद हुआ हूँ जिस जीवन में
वह है मेरी मधुशाला
हथकड़ियाँ ऐसी बजती हैं
जैसे खाली हो प्याला

मुक्त हुआ तो झूल पड़ेगी
फाँसी पर मेरी काया

भाग गया चुपके से तो
तड़प उठेगी मधुशाला।

तुम मुझको यह बतलाओ तो
क्यूँ पी जाती है हाला
मैं तो गम सब भुल चुका हूँ
पाकर गम की नव हाला

जख्म पुराने मिटा रहा हूँ
जख्म नये हो जाने पर

इस कारण ही पूछ रहा हूँ
है कैसी यह मधुशाला।


कितनी अथक बनी है पीड़ा
पीकर देखो यह प्याला
दुख का मधुरस इसमें ही है
कष्ट भरा है हर प्याला

जीव जगत में जितने भी हैं
अमर कहाने आते हैं

कुछ पल पीकर ही उठ जाते
तज जाते हैं मधुशाला।

मस्त वही जो छककर पीता
पीड़ा की कडुवी हाला
नाच उठे जो बैसाखी ले
थामे साँसों का प्याला

मुस्कानें जिन्दा रखने जो
अश्क हजारों पी लेता

उसके चरणों का आदर से
स्वागत करती मधुशाला।

किसको कितनी पीना है यह
पूछ रही थी सुरबाला
और लबालब कितने होंगे
बता रही थी मधुबाला

यह सुन सब जन चहक उठे पर
मैंने तो यह कह डाला

एक बूँद से ही भर लूँगा
मैं जीवन की मधुशाला।

पोंछ सके जो आँसू अपने
चुल्लू भर पीकर हाला
खप्पर से ही काम चला ले
तजकर जो स्वर्णिम प्याला

चलता हो जो कंटक पथ पर
थककर गिर जाने पर भी

भूल सके जो अपने दुर्दिन
उसकी होती मधुशाला।

जिसको देखो क्रोधित होकर
तोड़ रहा है हर प्याला
अपनी हस्ती मिटा रहा है
तोड़ स्वयं का मधुप्याला

अच्छा होता क्रोध त्याग कर
खुद ही वह संवर जाता

शांत चित्त से गर पीता तो
अलख जगाती मधुशाला।

छोटा-सा है मेरा जीवन
छोटी-सी है मधुशाला
आशा की छोटी बूँदों से
होता उल्लासित प्याला

बचपन की भी छोटी यादें
अशर्फियाँ-सी होती हैं

जिसे बुढ़ापा के चौखट पर
बिखरा देती मधुशाला।

जिसने पीना कल ही छोड़ा
वह देता मुझको प्याला
जिसे निभाना पड़ता वादा
वह सरकाता निज प्याला

मैंने तो छीना-छपटा है
आते-जाते प्यालों को

इसीलिये तो मुस्काती है
मुझे देख हर मधुबाला।

देनेवाले ने तो दी है
अभिशापों की भर हाला
जहर पिलाने अंतिम क्षण तक
व्याकुल रहता हर प्याला

नहीं कराहूँ विष पीकर भी
कसम खुदा की कहता हूँ

मैं तो स्वर्ग कहूँगा उसको
बने नरक गर मधुशाला।

जब मैं गम में मुस्काता हूँ
हँसता हर पीनेवाला
हर्षित होना पीड़ा में भी
समझ सका ना इक प्याला

होता है संघर्ष जटिल, पर
दुख की भी कुछ सीमा है

इस सीमा को लाँध सका हूँ
हरदम आकर मधुशाला।

बचपन की मधु मुस्कानों-सी
खिल जाती है मधुशाला
यौवन की उच्छृंखलता में
घुल मिल जाती मधुशाला

सोचूँ क्यूँ, तब क्या गति होगी
टूटेंगे जब सब प्याले

बूढ़ी ऑंखों तब भी होगी
वही नशीली मधुशाला।

विषमय जगत हुआ जाता है
गरल युक्त है मधुशाला
विष ही जग में खोज रहा है
जहर सदा पीनेवाला

वह साकी भी नहीं कहीं भी
जो देती थी मधु हाला

छोड़ चुकी है अदब पुराने
जितनी देखो मधुशाला।

मेरे शव पर गर्व करो सब
यह था मेरा मधु प्याला
अहं इसी का खाली करके
मैंने भर ली थी हाला

अब भी उसमें कुछ बूँदें हैं
‘यादें’ जिसको कहते हैं

इन यादों को ताजी रखने
जा बैठो तुम मधुशाला।

पीने का गुण पाप कहाता
पर पीकर देखो हाला
अवगुण सारे बह जाते हैं
रह जाता खाली प्याला

पाप पुण्य का गणित निराला
पाप घटे ना पुण्य बढ़े

इस घट-बढ़ का फर्क मिटाने
सब आते हैं मधुशाला।

जीवन को सब जीवन कहते
मैं कहता हूँ मधुशाला
शालायें तो पाठ पढ़ाती
सबक सिखाती मधुशाला

जीवन ने भी सबक लिया है
समझो पीड़ा को हाला

खुद को पहले मीत बना लो
फिर दो उसको मधु प्याला।

मेरे आने की आहट सुन
चहक उठी है मधुशाला
मेरे हाथों आते आते
नाच उठा है हर प्याला

साकी के नाजुक करकमलों
छलक उठी है मधु हाला

देख मुझे क्यूँ नाज न होगा
मेरी अपनी मधुशाला।

कंकड़ पत्थर से कौआ भी
छलका देता है हाला
हीरे मोती जिसने डाले
पा जाता है वह प्याला

मैंने पंचतत्व ऊँड़ेले
पा न सका इक मधुकण भी

जाने क्यूँकर तरसाती है
मेरी अपनी मधुशाला।

सावन भादों के प्यालों में
रहती है ऐसी हाला
जिसको पा यह धरती प्यारी
बन जाती है सुरबाला

हरी-भरी दूबों के सिर पर
होती बूँदोंवाली हाला

खेतों औ खलिहानों में भी
खुल जाती है मधुशाला।

गंगा जमुना का पाकर पानी
होता पुण्य पवित्र प्याला
पुण्य कमाने की चाहत में
कौन नहीं पीनेवाला

सबसे पहले साधू आता
पापी का अगुआ बनकर

तब सबको को साथ पिलाकर
तर कर जाती मधुशाला।

अपनी आँखों आँसू भरकर
आता शिशु भोला भाला
हाथ पकड़कर चलता ऐसे
ठुमक रहा हो मधु प्याला

गिरता पड़ता दौड़ लगाता
जैसे हो वह मतवाला

दिन भर सोकर, रात जागकर
खुद बन जाता मधुशाला।

चिंता का पंजा ढ़ीलाकर
पकड़ा देती है प्याला
सन्नाटे में शोर मचाने
खनका देती है प्याला

रोती आँखों की लाली को
और लाल कर जाती है

पीड़ा में यूँ क्रीड़ा करना
सिखलाती है मधुशाला।

संचित धन है पीड़ा मेरी
कहता जिसको मैं हाला
जीवन भर संग्रह कर डाला
किया सुसज्जित हर प्याला

लेकर आया हूँ इन सबको
तेरे चरणों रखने को

मृत्यु दूत से कहना, इनसे
स्वर्ग बनाना मधुशाला।

दिन ढ़लते जब मौत पुकारे
खुलवा देना मधुशाला
मेरे प्राणों के रत्नों से
भरवा देना हर प्याला

खाली हाथों मैं जाऊँगा
बात इसे तुम सच मानो

यह मधुशाला थी जो मेरी
सबकी होगी मधुशाला।

मेरा जीवन क्या बदलोगे
चाहो तो बदलो हाला
नहीं बदलने वाला मैं हूँ
बदलो चाहे तुम प्याला

जो कुछ मैं हूँ, जो है मेरा
और किया जो कुछ मैंने

सभी शून्य है और शून्य को
क्या बदलेगी मधुशाला।

दिन तो थकान भरा पथिक है
रात बनी है मधुशाला
मेरी क्लांत व शिथिल शक्तियाँ
उठा न पायें इक प्याला

अपनी पलकों से, हे साकी
एक बूँद ही टपका दे

तृप्त अगर मैं यूँ हो जाऊँ
पुलकित होगी मधुशाला।

शाप मृत्यु का मैंने पाया
मरते दम तक पी हाला
और मरण जब होगा मेरा
बिफरेगी हर मधुशाला

मत धिक्कारो साकी मुझको
होने दो, जो होना है

करो प्रार्थना बस तुम इतनी
बंद न होवे मधुशाला।

मुझसा अनमोल नहीं कोई
पावोगे पीनेवाला
अंत नहीं मेरे पीने का
यह जाने है हर प्याला

लज्जा की सीमा ना लाँधूँ
मैं ना डर से भी काँपूँ

मेरी तो सर्वश्रेष्ठ निधि है
साकी, प्याला, मधुशाला।

माटी का मैं बना हुआ हूँ
माटी का है हर प्याला
इनमें से केवल इक चुनकर
रखना मेरे नाम न प्याला

नाम हमारे तुम सब कर दो
दे दो मुझको सब हाला

पीकर जिससे कह पाऊँगा
मेरी है यह मधुशाला।

नहीं तिरस्कृत मैंने माना
चाहे जैसी हो हाला
टूटे-फूटे प्यालों से भी
पी लेता हूँ मैं हाला

टेढ़ी-मेढ़ी राह चलूँ मैं
चाहे बरसें अंगारे

पी सकता हूँ कहीं बैठ मैं
हर आसन है मधुशाला।

तेरी चाहत तू ही जाने
मेरी चाहत है हाला
इतर वासना तेरी होगी
इधर चेतना है हाला

काम क्रोध मद मोह तुच्छ हैं
त्याग सभी कर जाना है

जगे चेतना अगर कभी तो
तुम आ जाना मधुशाला।

जो है मेरे हृदय समाया
उसे रखे है मधुशाला
मेरे प्राण बसे हैं जिसमें
उसे सॅंवारे मधुशाला

इस कारण ही बड़े गर्व से
तृप्त तृड्ढा सब करने को

साकी, प्याला, हाला लेकर
तत्पर रहती मधुशाला।

बिखरेगी यह ज्ञात नहीं था
षांत हृदय की मधु हाला
छितरेगे यह ज्ञात नहीं था
मेरे कर्मो का प्याला

छोटे से झोंके में देखो
दीपक तक बुझ जाता है

यह तो आँधी थी चिन्ता की
कैसे बचती मधुशाला।

मरघट जाकर मैंने जाना
जलती कैसे मधुशाला
धुआँ जगाकर बुझना चाहे
जलती जलती मधुशाला

पर जो जल जाने ही आयी
बुझती कैसे मधुशाला

ढँढ़े से भी नहीं मिल पाती
‘खारी’ के दिन मधुशाला।

सूखे पत्तों की नाव बनाकर
जिसको कहता था प्याला
कह आया था उसे कान में
जा भर ला सागर हाला

पर सागर के तट पर बच्चे
नाव चुराने आ धमके

छीना-छपटी में तब टूटी
नाव रूप की मधुशाला।

ऊपर औंधा पड़ा हुआ था
मौन हुआ नभ का प्याला
नीचे सागर क्षुब्ध पड़ा था
बिखराकर अपनी हाला

खाली कौड़ी पा तब मैंने
भरना चाही कुछ बूँदें

पर कौड़ी में छिपी पड़ी थी
त्यक्त जीव की मधुशाला

है कद गरीब के जितना ही
वो है मेरी मधुशाला
नहीं थिरकती बालायें हैं
पर है सकुचाती बाला

चुनरी जिसकी फटी हुई है
शून्यता को लजा रही

इसकी थरथर साँसों में है
मेरी जरजर मधुशाला।

मेरा करुण रुदन असीम है
पर निष्ठुर है मधुशाला
आँसू पर प्रतिबन्ध लगाती
मुझको देकर कुछ हाला

जिसने दया-मर्म ना जाना
उससे परिचय रखना क्या

पर परिचय खुद मेरा पाने
रहती उत्सुक मधुशाला।

बादल पर बादल छा जायें
तम भी हो घिरनेवाला
लेकर अपना बुझा दिया तुम
छिपके आना मधुशाला

प्यास चमकती दिखलायेगी
उठती हाला की ज्वाला

अंधकार का अनुचर बन तुम
पा जावोगे मधुशाला।

मुझे देखकर जाने क्यूँकर
था उल्लास भरा प्याला
उसने सोचा मैं भी इक हूँ
जीवन भर पीनेवाला

इस कारण ही छलक पड़ा था
मेरे हाथों आते ही

बही सुरा भी जब चरणों पर
इठलाती थी मधुशाला।

बुझा हुआ सा दीपक मन का
जैसे हो खाली प्याला
जिस पर लिखने भाग्य हमारा
हैं कुछ बूँदों-सी हाला

पर जीवन कोरा कागज-सा
भींग चुका है ऑंसू में

लिखे कहॉं आशा की बूंदें
भाग्यहीन यह मधुशाला।

पीछे मुड़कर नहीं देखता

जो पा जाता मधुशाला
कोई शक्ति रोक ना पाये
हाथों में जब हो प्याला

कोई ताकत उठा न पावे
पीने बैठा जब हाला

तृप्त हुआ है कौन यहाँ पर
छोड़ सके जो मधुशाला।

सबमें अनंत प्यास छिपी है
जो भी है पीनेवाला
सबमें अटूट चाह जगी है
उठा रहा जो मधु प्याला

सबमें असीम आस यही है
पा जावेगा वह हाला

पर अनिच्छा जताती क्यूँ है
मेरी अपनी मधुशाला।

सागर उठ नभ में भर जाता
जब मय भर उठता प्याला
पहले थे बस नभ में तारे
जैसे बूँद-बूँद हो हाला

फैल चाँदनी ने प्रकाश से
फिर सारा नभ भर डाला

साकी तू है वही चाँदनी
मटक रही जो मधुशाला।

जिसको तूने गुरू कहा था
आ बैठा है मधुशाला
तुझे देखकर छिपा रहा है
अपनी मदिरा का प्याला

अच्छा होता तू गर खुद को
गुरू मान पीता हाला

शिक्षा दीक्षा सब यहँ मिलती
मठ बन जाती मधुशाला।

भक्तों के प्रेमार्त हृदय में
भर दी तूने जो हाला
इसकी कुछ बूँदें लेकर तू
भर जा मेरा भी प्याला

मैं भी तेरा भक्त कहाऊँ
इतनी सी बस इच्छा है

इस इच्छा से के कारण होगी
मेरी तुझसी मधुशाला।

मेरे निर्जन घर के द्वारे
दीप नहीं जलनेवाला
मेरे निर्धन प्यालों को अब
कोई नहीं भरनेवाला

और विसर्जन को तड़पेगी
ठंडी होकर भी भस्मी

मेरा अंतिम दर्शन पाने
क्यूं तरसेगी मधुशाला।

खत्म हुई मस्ती की वेला
अब न भरा जाता प्याला
पंखुड़ियाँ टूट टूटकर बिखरी
अब न गुँथी जाती माला

पत्ते पत्ते की तीव्र वेदना
झरती साँसें ही सहती

सजल पलक से व्याकुल प्याले
गिन गिन रखती मधुशाला।

भरा हुआ था जो जीवन भर
वह प्याला है बिन हाला
सूखा प्यासा तड़प रहा है
मेरा निर्धन यह प्याला

जीवन की इन साँसों में भी
स्पर्ष नहीं है आशा का

और हताश करो ना मुझको
बंद करो यह मधुशाला।

पूर्ण रूप से समा गयी है
मेरी रग रग में हाला
हृदय कोष में पूर्ण रूप से
संचित धन है बस हाला

मृत्यु देव, अब चिन्ता मत कर
सीधे आ जा मधुशाला

स्वागत करते मिल जावेंगी
मैं औ मेरी मधुशाला।

जीवन तो है एक बुलबुला
तैरा करता बन हाला
जिसमें बनता उसमें ही वह
फूटा तो फूटा प्याला

मंद पवन में उड़ भी जावे
झूमे जैसे हो मतवाला

इसका बनना, मिट भी जाना
दिखला देती मधुशाला।

मैं आया था गीत सुनाने
पर पी बैठा मैं हाला
चला साधने अपने सुर को
भरा सुरा से सुर प्याला

करूँ व्यक्त क्या अपनी पीड़ा
उठने के योग्य नहीं था

डगमग डगमग मंच दिखा था
डोल रही थी मधुशाला।

अब मुझसे तुम मुख मत मोड़ो
आया हूँ मैं मधुशाला
मेरा भी सत्कार करो अब
मुझको भी दो इक प्याला

कल तक जब परहेज किया था
दुत्कारा ही जाता था

अब तो अपना मीत बना लो
रम जाने दो मधुशाला।

मिला निमंत्रण धन्य हुआ मैं
बुला रही थी मधुशाला
भिक्षा पात्र इक लिये बिना ही
आ बैठा हूँ मधुशाला

वहाँ पहुँच कर मैंने पूछा
बिना पात्र क्या मिलता है

अंधे को क्या आँसू देगी
बिना पात्र के मधुशाला।

मैंने चाहा तुम दे दोगे
मुझको अमृत भरा प्याला
पर जाने अनजाने तुमने
मुझको दे दी बस हाला

पर तेरे छू जाने से ही
अमृत बनी है सब हाला

स्वर्ग सरीखी तब से लगती
मेरी अपनी मधुशाला।

जब जब मेरी प्यास जगी तो
पी लेता हूँ मधुहाला
जब भी शक्ति अंकुरित होती
भरने लगता हूँ प्याला

चाह भक्ति की जब उमड़े तो
आ जाता हूँ मधुशाला

कर्म धर्म सब निपटाता हूँ
बैठे बैठे मधुशाला।

मुझे कुम्हार समझा तूने
देख हाथ में यह प्याला
तूने समझा सींच रहा है
कृषक बना मैं मधुशाला

मैं गरीब हूँ तूने सोचा
बना रहा जो पर्ण कुटी

पर मैं खुद को बना रहा था
इक मनमौजी मधुशाला।

लिया पात्र तुमसे ही मैंने
भरने को तेरी हाला
पर तूने दिया मुझे था
दरका-सा खाली प्याला

तेरा तुझको अर्पित करने
लाया हूँ खाली प्याला

दरका प्याला भर न सकी थी
मेरी छोटी मधुशाला।

मेरे करीब तुम आ बैठे
जब पीता था मैं हाला
तुने ही तब दिया मुझे था
अपना भी इक प्याला

मस्त हुआ मैं पीकर दोनों
पीते ही मदहोश हुआ

क्षुब्ध हुआ तब छोड़ चला तू
तजकर मेरी मधुशाला।

इक रेखा यह बता रही है
कितनी भर सकते हाला
दूजी रेखा से यह जाना
खाली है कितना प्याला

इन दोनों रेखा का अंतर
कम कर सकती जो साकी

वह बनती है चिंतन-रेखा
चंचल चिंतन मधुशाला।

किस सीमा तक पीना मुझको
बतला दे गर मधुशाला
मैं भी साँसें रोक सकूँगा
पीते पीते मधुहाला

सीमा तो सीमा होती है
उसके आगे क्या पीना

देह त्यागना उत्तम होता
तज जाने से मधुशाला।

मेरे भीतर खुली पड़ी है
एक अनोखी मधुशाला
मेरे अंतर के प्रकाश में
जो छवि दिखलाती हाला

उस छवि को देखा करता
बिना हिलाये मैं प्याला

हिल जाने से मिट जाती है
वह छवि, वह मधुशाला।

तुमसे मिलने नीचे उतरा
अहं त्याग पी ली हाला
नीचे नीचे उतर चला हूँ
पीते पीते विड्ढ प्याला

तू तो सिंहासन से उतरा
मैं उतरा मन अंतर से

तेरे मेरे मिलन बिन्दू पर
निराकार है मधुशाला।

था थकान का पर्दा भारी
भरा नींद से था प्याला
‘पी ले, पी ले’ तब चिल्लाया
‘यह ताकत देती हाला

‘जब तक इसकी बूँद पियोगे
नषा नींद ले जावेगा

आँच स्फूर्ति की ही देती है
यह अलाव सी मधुशाला।’

प्याले बंदी बना रहे थे
गूँथे जाते थे माला
जंजीरों से जकड़ रही थी
लत-सी बनकर यह हाला

मैंने सोचा तोड़ चलूँ मैं
साँसों की जंजीरों को

खोल द्वार जब मुक्त हुआ तो
बंद दिखी थी मधुशाला।

संयम कोई संघर्ष नहीं है
संयम से पी लो हाला
स्पर्श वही आनंद दिलाता
अधरों देता जो प्याला

पीनेवालों की वाणी में
अतुल श्रवण-सुख मिलता है

सच्चा दर्शन वह करवाता
जो दिखलाता मधुशाला।

ऐसा भी उपकार करो तुम
मिल जावे पीनेवाला
जो पीने के पहले से ही
बन जाता है मतवाला

गर जीवन यात्रा पर निकले
मेरा साथी बनकर वो

तब सफर के सभी मुकाम पर
खुल जावेगी मधुशाला।

कटु भाषा ही नहीं जानता
सुरा सदा पीनेवाला
‘मधु दे दो’ कहता मधुता से
रिक्त देखकर वह प्याला

वरना सब जन गुर्राकर ही

अहं जताने वाले हैं

मधु से मध्ता मुखरित होती
कहती है यह मधुशाला।

मैं पीड़ा की साँसों से ही
भरता जाता हूँ प्याला
इस कारण यह साँसें थककर
बनती जाती हैं हाला

हर बूँदों में दर्द भरा है
करुणा सागर मधुशाला

रग रग में रंभाती जाती
दर्द भरी यह मधुशाला।

मैं पीड़ा के फूलों से ही
भरता जाता हूँ प्याला
इस कारण ही काँटा बनकर
चुभती कंठों में हाला

इन प्यालों को चूरा कर दो
और बिछा दो राहों पर

कंटकमय हर पथ पर ही तब
खुल जावेगी मधुशाला।

दूर गगन में मधुशाला हो
पंख रहित भी हो प्याला
गंध भरे हों बादल ऊपर
ना बरसाते हों हाला

तब भी पीने की अभिलाषा
व्यर्थ नहीं होगी मेरी

मैं प्राणों को मुक्त करूँगा
पा जाऊँगा मधुशाला।

आज किनारा छू प्याले का
छलक उठेगी मधु हाला
आज नाव डालेगी लंगर
जैसे अधर छुए हाला

प्यासे नाविक उतर सकेंगे
जीवन के सागर तट पर

वह पड़ाव भी मंजिल बनकर
दिखला देगा मधुशाला।

सृष्टि का नया सृजन हुआ था
नया नया था हर प्याला
नई तरंगें उठा रही थी
हिलते प्यालों की हाला

उड़े खगों-से भाव सभी नव
मन की डालें लचक उठीं

सुप्त पूर्णता सजग बनी तब
दिव्य पूर्णता मधुशाला।

तेरे चरणों में रख दी है
मैंने प्यालों की माला
और समर्पित करता हूँ मैं
हे साकी ! तेरी हाला

मेरे चरणों बस गिरते हैं
मेरी आँखों के आँसू

चुन सकता गर इन आँसू को
भरता तेरी मधुशाला।

साँसों के प्यालों की दरकन
बहा चली है सब हाला
बिखरी साँसों की धड़कन है
कंपित ऑंसू की माला

पूजा की थाली यह तन की
सजती क्या इन फूलों से

जिसकी टूटी पंखुड़ियाँ हैं
महकायें क्या मधुशाला।

नई ज्योति से तुझे रिझाने
मन दीप-शिखा, तन प्याला
दहक उठी है अंगारों-सी
चिंतन मनन बनी हाला

तेरी स्वर्णिम आभा पाकर
धधक उठी गर कुछ साँसें

और प्रकाशित कर पाऊँगा
अपने मधु से मधुशाला।

आश्वासन बस इतना दे दे
होगा भरा हुआ प्याला
और निष्चिन्तता से देगी
सारी हाला, सुरबाला

थकी पलक की चादर में तब
सो जावेगा मेरा मन

सपनों में ही मिल जावेगी
मेरी अपनी मधुशाला।

पीड़ा की रागिनियाँ सारी
भरे कहाँ से इक प्याला
गीतों का हर स्वर शिथिल है
कैसे छलकाये हाला

फिर भी ललचाती चाहत है
बन जावे संगीत मधुर

गीतों में आनंद समाये
खोलूँ ऐसी मधुशाला।

हृदय-गगन का हर इक तारा
जैसे दुख का हो प्याला
इन तारों में झिलमिल पीड़ा
छलके जैसे हो हाला

इस कारण प्यासा मन पंछी
पंख पसारे उड़ने को

थक जाने पर लौट सके ना
पाने अपनी मधुशाला।

लहरों में यह षोर मचा है
आज तरंगित है हाला
नावें हैं पतवार रहित सब
हर नाविक है मतवाला

आँधी के कोलाहल छिपती
सन्नाटे की छाया है

और तमन्ना सागर की है
बन जावे वह मधुशाला।

जीवन और मरण की छाया
दिखलाये आधा प्याला
खालीपन तो मरण तुल्य है
जीवन है बाकी हाला

जैसे जैसे साँसें मिटती
प्याला खाली हो जाता

साँसें मिलती नहीं कहीं भी
प्याला भरती मधुशाला।

नहीं सोचकर आता कोई
कितनी पीना है हाला
किसको कितनी पीना है
यह बतलाती मधुशाला

हाथों में आने तक छलका
प्याला भी बतलाता है

विष तो मैंने छलका डाला
देता हूँ मैं बस हाला।

सब मंदिर में जाते हैं पर
मैं जाता हूँ मधुशाला
सब पूजें माटी की मूरत
मैं पूजूँ माटी प्याला

फिर भी धर्म वहीं बसता है
जहँ श्रृद्धा पनपा करती है

मेरी श्रृद्धा के कारण है
मंदिर-सी यह मधुशाला।

फटी पुरानी पुस्तक लेकर
मैं आया था मधुशाला
सोचा था मैं इसे बेचकर
पा जाऊँगा कुछ हाला

पर पुस्तक पर नाम देखकर
साकी बोली, ‘ना बेचो’

यह पुस्तक उसकी है जिसने
खोली सारी मधुशाला।

वेद, कुरान, बाइबिल पढ़कर
मैंने पायी जो हाला
मिली न वैसी मुझको अद्भुत
भटका सारी मधुशाला

पर इनको पढ़कर जब मैंने
अपने अंतः में झाँका

मुझे दिखी तब वहीं छिपी-सी
भगवन तेरी मधुशाला।


Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Bhupendra Kumar Dave on Grandeur Of Innerself

The Grandeur of Innerself
Book by Bhupendra Kumar Dave

This book is dedicated to My mother
whose love inspired me to remain good and pious.

In Bhagawad Gita we find the subtle philosophical truths expounded in the form of a dialogue between the warrior Arjuna and Lord Krishna, the incarnation of God. Then we have Yoga-Vasishta, a dialogue between Lord Rama, the incarnation of God and the saint Vasistha that has again the simplicity of diction and clarity of expression of Bhagawad Gita. One more work that contemplates on subtle truth is Ashtavakra Gita where we find the lucid dialogue between the king-seer Janak and Asthavakra, the teacher.
All the above works go above the level of meditation reaching realisation identifying the consciousness. The beauty of all the above works is that Arjuna in Bhagwad Gita represents adulthood (युवावस्था Rama in Yoga-Vasishta a childhood (बाल्यावस्था) and Janak in Ashtavakra Gita a mature elder man (प्रौढ़ावस्था)। Thus these works cover all the stages of life and lead to identical realisation. The art of meditation too is a kind of dialogue where search for truth eventually dispels the deeply laid layers of confusion and Maya, so that only real appears as reality and the unreal is identified seperately so as to make pure consciousness the illuminator of our life. In essence the art of meditation comprises a free and clear dialogue where Arjuna is the body, a void and Lord is the Atma, the consciousness. During meditation a confused yet a thinking mind addresses the self and waits for a dialogue to begin. As a perceiver-feeler-thinker-entity, our body puts all the debris of thoughts in the crucible of meditation and waits for its churning during the heat of discussions with the self. I have made an effort and something limited has emerged out of it, which I like to share with the readers. So here is the beginning of the discussions ---- a dialogue between I as a perceiver-feeler-thinker-entity --- the mind on one side and on the other side the self --- the soul --- a pure consciousness capable of leading the human mind to attain realisation to some extent.

Bhupendra Kumar Dave

N।B।: This work, I admit may not be that effective as the three scripts mentioned above are. But I hope it will motivate the mind to read and grasp contents of the above-mentioned three wonderful works.


PART - 1
Mind speaks


"What was I? Who am I? And what will I be?" are the first basic things that my body, the perceiver-feeler-thinker-entity wants to meditate। So let my soul, my inner self be my guide for I know not who am I in reality।


" O my inner self! Due to ignorance and being caught in the web of Maya, I am full of doubts and illusions and therefore desire to know answer to these questions, for you alone are mine and you alone stand so close to me. Please help me to remove the layers of ignorance. "

The inner self answers

Since both the mind and the soul are together in one form --- the body, I feel pleasure in answering your questions। For the one who is eager to clear the doubts arising due to illusions deserves to ward off ignorance and know all that is knowable.


First of all know that the inner self and the perceiver-feeler-thinker body is no separate entity for in meditation they are complimentary to each other and in meditation they have to merge into one।


Know me first and then assess your self to know 'who are you?' for without the knowledge of the contents one knows not whether a medicinal capsule is harmful or remedial।


I am the part of that absolute fullness which remains full even when fullness is taken out of it fullness।


Even a minute part of such fullness retains the extraordinary quality of remaining full even when fullness is taken out of its fullness।


Hence I being the minutest part of that absolute fullness am the absolute --- full with rigors of pure consciousness।


So I am the very embodiment of pure consciousness --- an awaken state of selfhood all through my spiritual pilgrimage।


So I am the abode of consciousness where the atmosphere is forever charged with supreme bliss and where peace becomes the illuminator of mind।


I am the self --- the formless reality that is capable of taking numerous forms and melt any form into formless।


Yet I am neither a doer nor even the enjoyer of all those actions which propagate enjoyment and in which my involvement exists।


I say again that I am not the doer --- I am also not the enjoyer or sufferer। You are the thinker and performer. You think of the pairs of opposites and analyse your doings as good or bad.


For I am free from the conflicts of any two kinds of opposites that I create।


Virtues and vices, pains and pleasures, light and darkness, happiness and sorrow all are like the two faces of a coin without which coin has no value and sense।


All that is supreme is formless and have to create two opposites to show its effect and existence, for light in the absence of shadow is only a glare and in effect signifies nothing।


The conflicts of good and bad, the struggles for pleasures and pains, the oddities of happiness and sorrow etc। germinate in the mind and their growth is responsible for the evolution of mind.


It is the evolution of mind that directs instinctively and intuitionally to probe in to the reality and know all that is knowable।


The curiosity to acquire knowledge is itself the liberation from ignorance। The mind attains purification and the inner self -- the soul experiences the onset of bliss. The attainment of bliss is the sole aim of life.


In order to know what you are, you have to understand what is your inner self। It is the inner self that shall remain with you forever and that alone shall be your guide, mentor and your companion forever.


Because of my absolute fullness, you are also full, but you have covered the light of the burning fire with the ashes।


The fear of death and the lust to attain imortality is the ash and underneath this the spark appears insignifcant।


As I am in you, so I am in all। Therefore you are, what others are. You are no different from them.


So think not yourself as something different from others। You are neither superior to others nor inferior to others.


My absolute fullness that is enshirned in you is in all because all are part of that absolute fullness, every particle of which retains fullness।


The aspect of fullness of all proves that all are equal, because absolute fullness has only one identity i।e. satyam shivam sudaram.


Infinity is infinity and infinity has no defination or form। But who can see infinity? Who is able to see the soul?


Yet soul can experience the existence of soul because there is only one point of infinity -- the point where all meet। Where there is one alone,he has no need to peep into the surroundings and it is infinity.


For in this world you existence is that of infinity। You can perform whatever is in infinite form.


Therefore to know what you are, do not look anywhere। Even if you happen to see, you will find that if some other is unhappy, you are also unhappy and if some other is evil, you are also evil.


If you desire to be something, you have to make others something, because if they are happy, you will be happy। If others are pious, you will also become pious.


If you want to see your image in a mirror, you have to wipe out the dust that is covering the mirror। And if you want your image to be beautiful you have to improve your makeup as well.


For improving your makeup, cast the image of the soul on the mirror of the world, for soul has only one identity i।e. satyam shivam sudaram.


Let not the soul get buried under the dust of ego, the moss of lust, the hidden rust of the body and the thorny bushes of thoughts germinating in the mind। Let the soul shine free from all this.


The inner soul knows that the happiness of one soul does not mean the unhappiness of another।


Therefore, in order to glorify the self you have to adore others, so that the place where you are, you feel as if you are in heaven। Your innerself is fit and desireous of such an atmosphere.


So know me, understand the enormity of my purpose and realize my existence and attain bliss to live a peaceful life।


Make yourself and your life transparent enough so that the radiations emanating from your inner self emerge out to illuminate your outer beauty। This light is celestial and this itself is your energy.


Thus you shall attain my status and shall be full with rigors of pure consciousness।


Remember that every person including you has a great divine self within him ___ an absolute perfect, shining and sublime being of light।


The light so radiating from all has to merge into one and make everything illuminated by this one celestial light।


Do not allow your or others light to disappear or otherwise get covered by soot of any form because you all are the bearer of celestial light with a purpose.
(Thus ended the first dialogue arising from meditation।)


1. Where was I? Where am I? Where will I be? Answer to these three questions will guide me to know what I was, what I am and what I will be.

2. For in this vast universe I am a small speck of cloud wandering aimlessly --- at times spattering and then gathering myself.

3. O my inner self! Due to ignorance and being caught in the web of Maya, I am full of doubts and illusions and therefore desire to know answer to this question, for you alone are mine and you alone stand so close to me. Please help me to remove the layers of ignorance.

The inner self answers
4. Like me you are where you were and will there only; for real is always firm and constant. I was in consciousness; I am still there and have to merge with the same consciousness.

5. Hence the universe where you feel you are appears to you as real. Yet it is really unreal for though it is created for you will cease to be for you when you leave this body.

6. For death is also unreal as the life is. These are only the journey of the consciousness from the realm of real to unreal and back.

7. So let not the enthusiasm that springs at the start of the journey die during the journey and at the culmination of the same.

8. Rejoice at the onset of the journey, enjoy the journey and be happy on your journey back to home. You are actually on a holiday trip.

9. For in this journey you have to explore the unreal and experiment with all that which was not with you when you were merged in the real.

10. Yet know that this journey is different from the one, which the body performs on land, sea and air. The body takes only the bare necessities during the journey leaving all other things safe at home.

11. Here you proceed with nothing but the self and fascinated by the glamour of the unreal you collect even that which is of no use to you.

12. In fact the journey in realm of unreal makes you unreal, for as you think so you become. You have correctlysaid that you wander a cloud.

13. But remember that the clouds too originate from the ocean and return back to it and during the journey they rain --- turning buckets of ocean onto the most needed land.

14. The karma that the clouds perform is an act of giving. They give, whatsoever they have, to the needed dry land and glide happily across the sky like the consciousness drifting peacefully in the realm of reality as well as unreality.

15. This karma is of giving a kind of renunciation. Since we know not when this journey will end, the entire journey means immediate giving of all gains so that we suffer no worry or pains while preparing for our return journey.

16. For it is the karma that sprouts the feeling of reality in the realm of fleeting unreality and helps vanishing of the unreality to a greater extent.

17. Some karma are such that they appear as close imitation of consciousness, some that are contaminated by weaker instincts appear only as unreal shadow of consciousness and all the rest are negation of consciousness.

18. Karma that personify consciousness are satkarma and are guided by the inner self, whereas those that keep aside the inner self are motivated by weaker instincts are akarma and those performed with total disregard to the inner self as well as the human instincts are duskarmaA

19. This is how the three gunas constitute three distinct forms of karma as each form of karma is the result of thoughts built in light, shadow and darkness respectively.

20. You were neither in hell or heaven, nor are you in hell or heaven. You will neither enter hell nor heaven. You will be where you are and where you were.

21. Hell exists because we dream of heaven. We feel punished and ignored for we anticipated award and honour.

22. In absence of the pair of opposites, hell as well as heaven ceases to be and mother earth's lap becomes the best abode.

23. In absence of thoughts of imaginary rise and falls and dreams of success and failures, life becomes a plain fertile land for cultivating rich crops of goodness.

24. We hate people because we know not how to love. We perform wrong for we know not what is good.

25. We believe in unreal for we know not what is real. We treat unreal as the sole provider of happiness for we know not what bliss real can impart us.

26. Yet we know that the universe has something real and something unreal but being unable to distnguish them we under confusion treat the real as unreal and visa versa.

27. Yet, in spite of this confusion in human mind, whatever is real does not change and that which is unreal always goes on changing.

28. Yet some unreal takes such a long time to change that it appears real, hence this confusion.

29. Since unreal is ever changing, its one form gets perished and a new form is born.

30. Yet even for maintaining the momentary existence of the unreal, every unreal contains some quantum of real because without the real part in the unreal, it cannot exist even for a moment.

31. Removal of the real part from any unreal results in its instantaneous decay.

32. Soul is real and the body is unreal. Merging of real with the unreal results in creation and removal of real from the unreal causes decay. This is life and death.

33. Real remains unmanifest before creation and again becomes unmanifest after destruction. Hence between life and death every thing is manifest. Thus, this becomes the visible form of the universe.

34. Due to destruction of unreal, the real part does not get scattered or lost but it moves ahead in the predestined direction to merge with other new unreal or otherwise merges into that of which it is a part.

35. Thus it is the real element that is responsible for the creation. The unreal alone cannot create the universe.

36. Hence, the creator of the universe has to be only real and not the unreal. This real alone imparts its part to the unreal to form every thing.

37. And because real has no end, it has no form because form goes on changing. The creator of universe is thus formless and His field of action is also infinite.

38. Part of any formless has to be formless; hence whatever part of real merges with the unreal is also formless. Hence soul is also formless.

39. It is difficult to understand that formless, but its existence can be experienced through cause, effect and causation.

40. In this universe the part of real exists in every thing we perceive for without the real part in it everything that is unmanifest. The real is formless and unreal does not exist by itself.

41. The unreal with its real part is manifest and our senses tell us about its existence; whereas real even as a part in unreal remains unmanifest and its existence can only be experienced by the mind-eye.

42. Part of real means part of that Brahman which remains full even when full is taken out of it.

43. Mother who delivers a child remains full even when full is born out of her and therefore she is worshipped as a Brahman.

44. The smallest part of such full will also be full. Hence the soul being part of the Brahman remains full.

45. Hence, as long as unreal has this part of real in it, it is to be respected for it appears to be fully real.

46. For as small fragment of light tries to cover the entire darkness, similarly the real provides reality to the unreal in all possible way.

47. To realise effectiveness of the real, the craze for unreal should not totally eclipse the real for if a lamp is covered by black soot its light gets imprisoned.

48. Child at the time of its birth resembles Brahman for the real part enshirned in him is fully alert. But as she lives the soot of unreality go on covering her.

49. Those who retain or otherwise regain the purity of their soul so as to maintain the fullness that of Brahman, merge their soul with the Brahman and attain immortality.

50. It is difficult to find answer to question of merging of the soul with Brahman because where path is endless; our every advance towards the goal shifts the goal further away for it has to maintain the infinite distance.

51. Removal of infinity from infinity only results in infinity.

52. Real is forever real; it cannot be created or destroyed. Yet it has the creative as well as destructive power.

53. Unreal is always decaying and its creation is only illusion. Its accumulation is also not possible.

54. Hence mind has to concentrate on all that is real, for the unreal misleads it and diverts it from the real goal.

55. Hence the mind that should have been most tranquil becomes agitated for it is unaware of the deep-seated peace that the soul actually aspires.

56. Know that it is the inner self that has placed real and unreal before you. To see the unreal you have the body-eye and to visualize the real you have the mind-eye.

57. Focus the mind-eye on the objects seen by the body-eye and there by penetrate deep into the inner soul of the objects perceived and ultimately discover the real.

58. With this concentration see the creator in all creations and every created will appear as the creator.

59. The universe around you is unreal but the core has the real self-enshrined in every speck of creation.

60. Every unreal is fragile and suffers decays and change into nothingness. Thus when everything decays, the core --- the inner self --- alone remains.

61 Life is a process in which the unreal fights the core and destroys itself leaving but leaves the shining innerself, allowing the real to glitter with full brilliance

62. So discard not the life and its unrealities including pleasure and pain it gives and sorrows and happiness it brings. With its experiences give new luster to the inner self.

63. The experiments that the instincts perform in the cauldrons of unrealities churn the pairs of opposites as the rivers does with the pebbles till their surface becomes smooth.

64. The pebbles hit the banks and rub against each other in the gushing waters of the river and thus the instincts too get rid of their hurting roughness.
(Thus ended the second dialogue arising from meditation.)


Mind speaks
1. What was I doing? What am I doing? What have I to perform? Answer to these three questions will guide me to know what am I supposed to do for I desire to give a meaning to this life of mine.

2. Also tell me why do I go astray and why do the purpose of Gods fail as far as I am concerned. Why do I drag myself away from the pure consciousness?

3. Why do I get caught in the cobweb of Maya when my inner self is so close to me as my most perfect guardian? Tell me Oh my inner self, the secret of life-purpose.

4. Why do I find you -- my innerself -- as relectant to provide me the corrective steps? Why do I become rigid in ignoring you, particularly when I face storms of wrong thoughts and evil doings?

The inner self answers
5. Whatever you have done, whatever you are doing and whatsoever you intend to perform in this universe of unreality is just a struggle against the powerful unreality that is encasing you.

6. Oh mind, take heed lest you destroy your self and destroy all. Be alert as I am, and concentrating on me, project youself so as to project all.

7. Abide not in illusory dreams. Remain awake for nothing can disturb the consciousness and therefore abide in the inner self.

8. Oh mind, be free as the petals are --- free to blossom, free to cradle dews, free to spread fragrance, free to swing in the breeze and free even to scatter themselves rejoicing as they dry up and get carried away by winds.

9. Like these petals you are also free to grow, free to cradle knowledge, free to cultivate acts of intelligence, free to spread thoughts and also free to willingly merge with the ultimate truth.

10. Yet the moment the petals dream of touching the feet of deities enshrined in temples, desire grows in them so that they get plucked for this purpose only and their all other freedom gets lost.

11. Remember that wherever you go or stay, the innerself remains with you. But the moment you forget the presence of the innerself, confusion overpowers you, disrupting all your thoughts and polluting all your actions.

12. Oh Mind! By wandering in wilderness away from me, what shall you gain? Whatever you want to gain is right here within you and I am here to give you all that you intend toseek.

13. Plants go nowhere to bring colours for their leaves and flowers; they wander not to collect fragnance and roam not to gather sweetness for their fruits. They get all this from their roots.

14. Oh Mind! You too are equipped with all powerful self. So let not any desire howsoever appearing alluring sway your thoughts, for desires drag the mind away from the inner self.

15. Oh Mind! Know yourself as a great observer. You can perceive real as well as unreal, the existing as well as non-existing. Even the minutest thing does not remain unnoticed by you.

16. But being more under the influence of glamour of unreal coated with desires, ego and worldly pleasures, you concentrate on unreal all the time.

17. Illusions easily trap you. Dreams too have enchanting effect on you. The illusions and dreams make unreal more alluring for they even open imaginary fields absolute unrealities.

18. Oh Mind! Remember that you are forever in the process of development and therefore you can grasp all that of which you knowledge.

19. And since knowledge is vast, enormous and far-flung, you as a seeker of knowledge become a wanderer and always drifting away from the inner self.

20. To a wandering mind meditation becomes difficult. Therefore, whatever he sees, feels, hears and utters try to paint the entire unreal as real.

21. So meditate to empty your pitcher with whatsoever it is filled so that you may fill it with whatsoever was not in it.

22 For even a tree shades off all its leaves in order to attain fresh greenery. So you have to shade off all negative thoughts before trying to acqire new insight into the innerself.

23. Negative thoughts give rise to obstacles, which may even be imaginary and one knows not how many obstacles are hidden behind one such imaginary obstacle.

24. Negative thoughts also do not suggest any thing but failures and we fail to know which particular obstacle is to be surmounted to attain the goal.

25. Negative thoughts suggest death and we know not how many deaths are hidden behind one such imaginary death.

26. The mind so dragged by negative thoughts cares little to know the inner self and takes no guidance from it. The mind that tries to move far away from the control of the inner self becomes the captive of unrealities.

27. Know that bliss is the combination of tranquility of the mind and peace of the innerself.

28. The one who knows not the inner self and is not aware of its enjoyable existence has ignorance as his companion.

29. And the one who is ignorant falls an easy prey to ego. Ego is the master of all the pairs of opposites and its presence brings all the sufferings.

30. Of all the pairs of opposites, pleasure and pains that regulate the happiness and sorrows dull the mind most.

31. Pure mind knows that the pair of opposites do not come together, but come separately --- one after the other.

32. In order to be free from the clutches of the pair of opposites, you have to deny the very existance of these pair of opposites. Even the concept of existence of unreal in the presence of real is to be denied.

33. To deny the existence of anything means not to feel its impact. No sorrow or pleasure etc. should prompt any change in the attitude of mind.

34. And since these pair of opposites follows each other, they make their impact and make their existence felt as their relative comparison becomes possible. We will not know pains if we have not experienced pleasure.

35. One who constantly moves in the field of unreality believes not in reality and such mind gets lost in unrealities. Reality also evades such mind.

36. The mind wandering constantly in the field of unreality fails to realize that it is wandering in the field of unreality.

37. Here the mind constantly analyses the unreal only and draws conclusions, not realizing that the conclusions so drawn are also unreal.

38. These conclusions are therefore full of obnoxious odor of sorrows and have the bitter taste of misfortunes. Here the inner self becomes only the observer of the loss of life-purpose.

39. Mind consists of what it is thinking all the time and reflects the same in its actions performed thereafter.

40. For actions are the expressions of the thoughts. Thoughts face disturbances because of ego, desires and all other evils sprouting from sensual organs dominating the mind.

(Thus ended the third dialogue arising from meditation.)


Mind speaks
1. Having realized that the self is with me all the time as my guide, mentor and companion, I find myself further deep down in the gorge of confusion.

2. For if the self is eternal, permanent, changeless and infinite, why does the mind under such a mentor suffers changes and swings like a pendulum banging on the two walls of unrealities --- the pair of opposites.

3. If the self is real and it remains real under all the adverse conditions, why does the mind like a poor frog desires to return back to the filthy pond of unreality?

4. O my inner self! Do let me know why you throw me out of your reach so very often and why you do not remove me from the clutches of Maya? I am full of doubts and illusions and therefore desire to know answer to this question, for only you are with me and only you stand so close to me. Please help me to remove the layers of ignorance.

The inner self answers
5. The real as well as the unreal are before you and it is you who has to identify them. The inner self only provides the required illumination.

6. If you choose unreal, you deviate yourself from the path illuminated by the consciousness, but if your choice is on real, you continue to be guided by the celestial light of consciousness.

7. This choice of yours gives shape to your thoughts and provide outline to your actions. I have said earlier that I am neither a doer nor even the enjoyer of all those actions.

8. Mind is sand-witched between the inner self and the illusory universe. But since the unreal diffuses faster, it is the first to penetrate deep into the mind causing powerful surges of ego in the mind.

9. The fabulous world of unreality enchants the mind under the devastating storms of thoughts drenched in torrential rains of desires. That is the very embodiment of ignorance.

10. It is the ignorance of the mind, the body and of the senses that entraps the personality into evils. Evils thrive in darkness for there is nothing else to see and realise except the darkness.

11. And when some flickering dim light is experienced by the mind, the body and the senses, they rush towards it like moths and destroy themselves. The sensual pleasures are the source of these flickering dim lights as their vicks are dipped deep in Maya (delusions).

12. In darkness tamas covers the intellect and drags it from the perception of reality. Rajas agitate the mind and create delusions and dreams. And in all these confusions the presence of sattava is not felt.

13. No light --- even that radiating from the scriptures --- is as powerful as the light of the inner self to remove this darkness.

14. And when there is no transparancy in thoughts, blinding ego and ugly desires dominate activities in darkness. Darkness has no source of its own; it is only the absence of light.

15. None therefore is the source of darkness to others; whosoever is in darkness is answerable for his own darkness within and without.

16. Light is perpetual but the darkness within the mind is indelible; for even all-devouring light of the soul can remove it not unless mind merges with the soul. Mind is answerable for its own darkness within and without.

17. Even the light of heaven cannot remove the darkness of hell unless the devil desires so. Only the devil can remove the darkness of hell, but he never desires to do thesame. Devilish mind is itself answerable for its own darkness within and without.

18. For such mind hate light and extinguish the candle and then in darkness wear nakedness. Such a mind knows not that innerlight is needed to despel this darkness.

19. Such a mind loves to live in darkness even shuts the inner doors and inner light lingers in vain right upto the end of life.

20. Fear of light causes blindness; and wisdom that is blind is hell. All crimes agree in darkness and so do all the sins.

21. Dark is the apron of sin and naked wear darkness __ discarding the garments of virtues for virtues have the luster of the eternal light.

22. Sattava waits opening of the opeque doors of ignorance, but where is mind to meditate and motivate the body and the senses to surrender the worldly pleasures?

23. And when the doors get opened, though temporarily, due to intense sufferings in the darkness sattava tries to control tamas and rajas, but Maya is always too prompt to shut these doors.

24. Hence a constant meditation and the strict rules of sadhana are needed to get rid of Maya and put an end to Avidya.

25. Meditation is an exercise of the mind --- the art to relex the muscles of thoughts --- an act of surrendering words to the inner self.

26. Oh Mind, since you are the performer and not me you have to meditate and evolve your self to meet the challenges of Maya and all her evil doings.

27. As all the blood goes on returning to the heart to get purified, the mind with all its thoughts, intellect and provocation to act has to get purified in the self.

28. The intellect identifies the good and bad, the mind analises them and the body selects one out of them. But when the mind fuses with the self, all these three fuctions merge into one and all conflicts end.

29. Thoughts, judgement and action finding their source in one --- the self--- enjoy the bliss of consciousness like a child enjoys life under mother's care.

30. The contemplating mind during moments of meditation discovers its own illusions and thereby finds way to shine with the inner glory experiencing spiritual essence.

31. The contemplating mind rises above the body, senses and intellectual levels and experiences the Infinite Blissful Self, which is the higher plane of consciouness.

32. Inspired by the self the mind can attain contemplating level with ease and can not only find the path leading to reach the plane of consciousness but can also attain that plane of Infinite Blissfulness.

33. The knowledge of merging with the soul becomes the source of all energies for the self, being the spiritual energy is the source of all energies.

34. To know that everything is self is a stage closer to realisation for here the mind gets motivated to merge itself with the soul.

35. The mind so motivated attains its super power and becomes compotant to know the essence of life.

36. This is the mind the self likes to train, so that it guides the life from the level of consciouness and gives meaning to this valuable life..
(Thus ended the fourth dialogue arising from meditation।)


Mind speaks
1. Is it true that I am what I am not and with egoistic "I" gone, do I really become the pure self? Will all that is not mine become mine when all desires die for surely all the desires die when this body dies and decays?

2. What happens to the body when it dies? What becomes of the mind and where vanishes the inner self? Let me know answer to these questions so that I may know what is the ultimate end of all these things that are so much attached to me.

The inner self answers
3. Surely, it is true that you are not what you are for all that you think of your self is simply the interpretation of your dreams.

4. It is also true that you are what you are not, for when you wake up, the dreams melt away and no interpretaion exists for the dreams forgotten.

5. Whatever is to be left discarded on this earth has no meaning. The body is sure to decay and the mind that is forever glued to earthly unreality is also destined to get decayed with the body.

6. So all that you dream of as yours, decays with the body, for the dead one dreams not.

7. Flowers that wither away untimely serve not the purpose of seeds. Their colour, fragrance and beauty are all transitory. Such a mind exists only to be withered away in the slight breeze of passions.

8. We are talking about those seeds, which germinate in those plants that have the priviledge of growing in the soil of inner self. The main fuction of the seed is to provide new garments to the soul and therefore it has to remain forever merged with the soul.

9. Seeds do not allow the DNA to die and the mind does not allow the civilisation and culture to vanish.

10. Body deteriorates, dies and ultimately decays and is lost forever. The mind however leaves its footprints on the sands of time. The thoughts and ideas linger in this universe of unreality for sometime and then they too get lost.

11. Yet whenever these thoughts and ideas find their clone, they crop up again duly refined and this is the evolution of thoughts that the universe of unreality calls progress.

12. The evolution of thoughts comprises of making good thoughts better and the bad thoughts worse. Hence the present thoughts play a greater role in shaping the future trend of thinking mind.

13. The impact of thoughts travels just like the colliding bogies during their shunting. The impact gets lost when there exists no bogie thereafter.

14. The soul mingles with its source as water returns back to the sea to form clouds that rain and form rivulets and flood the rivers again.

15. Soul is free from the bondage of birth and death. Mind takes birth and lives in some form or the other as long as civilisation and culture exist. The body is caught in the web of birth and death till Moksha is attained.

16. Mind faces death as soon as it deviates from human values defined by culture i.e. when it prefers to exist totally detached from the self. After the death of mind the question of mosksha does not arise.

17. The basic need is to merge the mind with the inner self to keep the doors of salvation open. Where else are the doors of heaven?

18. In fact, the earth becomes heaven under the blessings of the mind merged with the self and hell under the curses of devilish mind.

19. Yet the earth has its seasons __ a season of hell to help commit crimes and a season of heaven for the godly designs.

20. What one season destroys, the other restores and weather withers not the earth forever.

21. Cold wave of winter blows not in summer; nor does the summer sunshine in winter; yet seasons have their mortal frames with their specific fragrances.

22. Criminals are not made of sterner stuff for they too have a grave to fade and bury their so-called name and fame. Yet, there is soul of goodness in them and there is a way to change their attitude.

23. For even the coal that hisses hot in Hell, wears its ashes soon and a hidden spark is enough to burst into flame to spread light in heaven, for there was never a good hell or a bad heaven.

24. My child, I am with you, said the mother, for God wished me to be with you all the time.

25, Wake up my child, said the mother, for God wished a noble soul in you that shall make paradise of this earth.

26. That noble soul is with you. So wake up to merge yourself with the self as wished by your mother and let the blessings of the mother be with you forever.

27. God created this earth and passed it on to us and thereafter gave us the right to build our own heaven or hell upon this earth.

28. That heaven which we built ourselves shall be forever ours till death leads us to the heaven above.

29। But neither hell alone is a dwelling place, or heaven the only abode; nor is the earth alone for building these castles. There are a million hearts where angels dwell to honour our worth and share our thoughts.

30. And therefore let me give you a heart strong enough and mind sharp enough so that you built a heaven on this earth.

31. The death shall win for you the hell or heaven, which shall be exact replica of the hell or heaven that you create for this life of yours around you on this earth.

32. So let us join to built our heaven so that He remains with us till we breathe, for thereafter He shall carry us to the place where He abides.

33. And therefore worry not for what hell or heaven the death shall win for you, but concentrate on the hell or heaven you create for our life around us on this earth.

34. How alike are heaven without God and hell without devil? How alike are earth and heaven where God makes His heavenly abode to live with us. How alike are earth and hell where devil makes his hell in our home in order to torture us all the time.

35, But, man has choice; earth is his and he can make it a heaven or hell.

36. The best way to achieve heaven is to keep the hell away and therefore merge the mind in the innerself.

37. Even if one does not believe in the existance of heaven and hell, he does create one at his home, in his society and around himself and on this earth.

38. Even if one does not believe in the existance of heaven and hell, he finds hell or heaven being created around him by others and even himself.

39. And since he does not believe in hell and heaven, he knows not what he is creating around himself.

40. And since he does not believe in hell and heaven, he knows not what others are creating around him.

41. Heaven and hell may or may not exist, but it is essential to konw what they are, so that we may know what we are building for ourselves.

42. Existance of Godmay or maynot be, but it is essential to konw what He is, so that we may know what we are trying to become.
(Thus ended the fifth dialogue arising from meditation.)


Mind speaks
1. What is the role of mind in making some wise and others unwise? Why are some minds sharp and others dull? Is it all due to reluctance on your part to provide identical guidance to us?

2. Is the mind that is dull really actionless and is the mind that is too sharp often goes erratic? What is the balanced mind and how should it react with the inner self?

The inner self answers
3. I am forever the same and change not even when placed in different bodies. So how can you find me changing my character, nature and attitude?

4. One who is pious shall remain pious forever and like a burning candle will illuminate the surroundings wherever it is carried.

5. I am the self and that self is in all. Thus considering all as the self, I provide identical fuctional level to all the minds.

6. And the self-residing in each man is a part of that one formless --- the consciousness. The inner self though appearing different and named differently in various languages has identical splendour of that singular eternal light.

7. Because the eternal light even appearing as emerging from its mysterious multiple sources shall give the same light for no light can be polluted.

8. And the wind that comes from all directions through valleys deep and mountains high, from forest dense and deep blue seas remains the same.

9. And all clouds dark, dense and drowse and scattered in packs all over the sky are the same.

10. And fire emanating from various sources even with varied hues of its furious fangs is the same.

11. So know that inner self of all is identical and all human minds are identically having the same mentor --- the same self.

12. And when all are identical, then none is superior or inferior to other. Then why the mind gets lost in the thoughts of complexes, envy, hatred, malice and enmity?

13. But the real existing in the mist of unreal cannot hold the minds that get inflated by ego, desires and other evils, like a balloon the mind loves to float in lifeless atmosphere of unreality.

14. It is the mind that gets so inflated chooses the level where it has to float. First level is where wants and needs are enormous and so are desires. The second one is where wants and needs are meger and so are the desires.

15. The third level is that where the mind is in its original uninflated state and where wants and needs are nothing and desires also are none.

16. In the first level the mind does as it is forced to do by ego, desires and the other evils. In the second level it does whatever the body and its senses allow it to do. In the third level the mind being totally free from unrealities does whatever the purity of inner soul pleases.

17. The mind fuctioning in first level loves to do whatever it likes and in the second level respects its life performances whereas in the third level it worships the life thanking the God for this gift.

18. Mind is a link between the self on one side and body, senses and the alluring world on the other side. On one side is the real and on other the unreal.

19. Only they can differentiate the real and unreal who have the inner eye and blind are they that refuse to see and believe not what they see. Yet this differentiation is not enough; one has to understand in order to feel the consciousness and he that understands, attains him.

20. One that deceives Him deceives himself, for the truth evades him and he stands deceives forever. The deceiver thus finds heself deceived in the multitudes of deceived.

21. Therefore this knowledge is a must for destruction of evils and for establishing righteousness on firm footing. This is the need of the hour.

22. Oh Mind! Know that for every soul is a temple, in which consciousness is enshirined with all its glory and from it radiates the immense power that every mind can enjoy.

23. Oh Mind! Live not vainly. Die not unknown. Let not life appear like a dying echo in the fading memory of time.

24. Oh Mind! Rise up in all splendour for the light you need is in the innerself and it is this light that has the glory of consciousness within you.

25. Remember, that God has made us fine to the extent possible and in intellectual matters He has made us supreme. For everyone He has created a brain to arouse curiosity and heart to analyse and these together make the mind to think.

26. So let the mind unite with the inner self to make life as God has wished it to be.

27. Oh Mind! Aim at making the human life sanctified with a nobler purpose --- one that also wipes out unrighteousness prevailing in all those minds that have hitch to merge with the self.

28. You have the right to think and infuse action in the right way. So misuse not this right, Oh Mind! You have no right to misuse the rights given by the Almighty.

29. Remember that there are also many rights won by the inner self for you and all of them lead to righteousness if the mind has the inclination to use them.

30. Take heed that to impress one’s own rights by curbing or crushing the rights of others is a satanic aptitude in human beings and therefore it is unrighteousness.

31. The basis need of meditation is to safeguard the rights of man as given to him by the Almighty.

32. The use of intimidation, fear, hatred, violence, cruelty etc. are all unrighteousness and are therefore not the weapons to safeguard the basis rights of man.

33. Oh Mind! Save yourself from getting polluted, the brain from becoming static, the heart from infusing inferiority and control your conscience from going astray.

34. Oh Mind! Wonder not what a tranquil mind can do for the tranquility of mind and therefore wander not aimlessly like dried leaves. Be a fountain of efficient thoughts and know what inculcating values of the self can do.

35 Oh Mind! Be a source of inspiration for all others so that all come closer to humanity and fail not to understand the innerself.

36. Leave not the path of righteousness for all other paths breed fear, crush will power, annihilate ambitions, fracture hopes, subdues satisfaction and provocate the conscience to perform ill actions.

37. Oh Mind! Plan a pious life for everyone so that every human being appears as the incarnation of that Almighty.

38. Maintain thinking on the right path and synchronise action in tune with the true learning inscribed in the blueprint of the self.

39. Consider the thoughts and actions as the two arms of the soul and impart them the compotancy to abide by the directions of the soul.

40. As soul is the part of the consiousness so let the mind be also a part of the innerself, so that mind attains that fullness, which the consciousness has provided to the innerself.

(Thus ended the sixth dialogue arising from meditation.)


Mind speaks
1. What is the mind that merges with the innner self? What is its purpose? How is its existence? Is realisation the same as renunciation?

2. Let these doubts be cleared for no confused mind gets merged with the inner self. Knowledge is the fuel without which the mind, which is also the vehicle of thoughts, refuses to move.

The inner self answers
3. The feeling that I prevail in everything and I am with everything gives rise to realisation that I am not superior to others and that all are equal. The mind that realises this becomes free from ego.

4. The feeling that I am you and you are I, gives rise to realisation that if I hurt you, I get hurt. Thus there exists no reign of violence.

5. The feeling that whatever I have, belongs to others, gives rise to realisation that sharing is the main purpose of things gained and knowledge aquired. The mind thus gets free from selfishness.

6. When we pass money from our left hand to the right hand, we do not become rich or poor, because we know that both the hands are ours.

7. When we spend money for our wife or children we do not become rich or poor, because we treat them as our own part.

8. When the feeling of oneness widens its radius to encompass all others and sacrifice for them, then we do not become rich or poor, because we treat them all as our own part.

9. The mind that is the seeker of this truth merges not only its own soul but also with the soul of all others. Such mind does not limit its activities to itself. The feeling of oneness expands and so does the field of activities.

10. The feeling that whatever others have is also mine, gives rise to realisation that there exists nothing that is not mine. Thus there exists no desire to snatch anything from others.

11 The feeling that whatever I have also belongs to others gives rise to realisation that there exists nothing that is only mine. Thus there exists no hesitation in giving it to others.

12. The feeling that others are as pure as I am, gives rise to realisation that there is nothing in others to hate or envy. The mind thus plays in the clear spring of love.

13. The feeling of oneness merges the soul of every human being with our soul and the glory of our inner self magnifies itself so as to resemble the grandeur of the ultimate consciousness.

14. Blessed is the mind that merges with the innerself. Happy is the mind that cultivates spiritual life. Perfect is the mind that floats in the realm of consciousness.

10. Where the thought of oneness prevails, the body insults not others. Where desires vanish, the body harms not others.

11. If you try to insult others, they too try to inflict insults on you. If you have ego, you will live only as a slave in the realm of ego because the ego of others will clash with your ego torturing and tormenting you all the time.

12. Where there is ego, there will be conflict, hatred, envy, malice and enmity and no one will gain anything out of it.

13. Where hatred has no scope, the body lives in the cradle of love. Where violence has no ground, non-violence guides the actions that body performs.

14. Under this state of realisation, neither the body revolts to perform anything that weakens the mind, nor the mind provocates the body to perform acts of weaker instincts.

15. Under this state of realisation the body indulges in making the senses free from the thoughts of selfish accumulation of earthly possessions and provides absolute freedom to the mind from the earthly desires.

16. Under the state of realisation the world with its enormous paraphernalia of unrealities loses attraction and the state of renunciation prevails upon the mind.

17. But renunciation involves discarding even the things that give pleasure particularly the sensual bliss. An unwise man thinks that without such pleasure, life is a dull and meaningless thing to live.

18. The art of meditation including the control of mind-thoughts through chintan concentration, meditation and ultimately leading to sadhana and samadhi helps in attaining renunciation.

19. Renunciation is a thing to be attained through practice whereas realisation is not a thing to be attained or acquired. It is a state of awakening.

20. Renunciation is only an action of getting up from the bed and to imagine that the sleep has ended. But do not we often indulge in sleepwalking? A real awakening is a state to be experienced spiritually.

21. Yet renunciation is an inner instinct and therefore difficult to arouse. But once it finds it's footing, it eases the journey towards realisation.

22. But one can get rid of only those things, which he possesses. The Wiseman knows that what actualy is in his possesssion is nothing except the inner self. All else are the temporary deposits, which he has to return along with interest and that. Mind, speech and body are only the modes of such repayments.

23. The interest to be paid can only be the part of the self for self-alone is the real possesssion. One cannot give that which is not his.

24. Hence renunciation of the worldly things even when realised is a wanton sacrifice. The real sacrifice involves the innerself, which includes body, mind as well as the worldly possessions.

25. For true renunciation, the affection received from others is to reciprocate by love oozing from the innerself. It should neither be a just show nor a mere duty well performed for sake of ego.
(Thus ended the seventh dialogue arising from meditation.)


Mind speaks
1. What is realisation? Does it mean that for a man of realisation in view of the existence of unrealistic universe, the control of senses and instincts, the guidance provided by the self residing in the body and all that the God has provided us are to be totally denied of their existence and effect?

2. Mind has to be free of all hesitations, doubts, uncertainities and confusions, so give answers to my questions.

The inner self answers
3. Realisation means total freedom from the effects --- freedom from effects of all that is in mind, the body and the senses. The cause is for the mind to search, effect is for the body to bear and to show the effect is the job of senses.

4. When the mind is not with the self, soul has not to guide the mind. Mind being in sole command of the cause and causation exposes the body to bear all the effects of the outer world, which is under the full control of Maya.

5. As the soluble substance gets dissolved in the solvent and attains transparency, the mind that dissolves in the inner self attains realisation. It is defined as clear and transparent mind.

6. The clear mind needs no control for the world of objects get vanished and there remains nothing to suffer, not even the pranks of the world of opposites.

7. Even the meditation is not required to waste the energy for further controlling the body, to waste the time for nullifying the effects of senses and for straining the mind for searching peace. There exists nothing to erode the mind.

8. The mind becomes totally struggle free and as strong as the inner self. It becomes action free and one that neither enjoys nor suffers the effects of things performed, but attains the status of the one, which illuminates its surroundings.

9. The light emanating from the clear mind is the light of the inner self and therefore remains unmolested by any darkness, the experiences of desires and the inputs of ego and the entanglements of sense-objects.

10. Some call it the state of awakened -soul although the soul even otherwise is always awake and alert. In this state the mind thinks clear and prompts actions that are of crystalline purity.

11. No meditation is needed because the mind and the inner self merge into one. Life itself becomes the continuous process of meditation.

12. The man of perfection has nothing to choose. For him there is nothing bad, false and ugly to encounter. Only good, truth and beauty prevail in front of him.

13. He has not to find the way of living. His way of living itself becomes his life.

14. He knows that whatever he does will be the right version of pure consciousness and therefore he plunges into action joyously.

15. He thus attains the wisdom of consciousness that beautifies his thoughts, actions and the whole life.

16. He performs the acts of wisdom ceaselessly for he desires nothing and has not to wait for the results coming forth from his actions. Curiosity to know the results often interrupts actions.

17. The mind, the soul and the body is free from any distractions. There is even no need to carry on further meditation, indulge in sadhna and fall in the anxiety for mukti.

18. Even in sadhna and sidhi there is aspiration of liberation and therefore they create an agitated state. For there is a state higher than this --- the state just before the state of Mukti, where nothing remains to be attained.
19. In this state the universe looses its identity and the soul floats in the plasma of consciousness. The body, mind and intellect go on functioning in the field of consciousness with no bearing on results and effects.

20. The acts are free from involment i.e. have no desire-impulses to sprout ego, have no aspiration dominated by ego. Yet the actions are not actions but are the power of actions of consciousness and are therefore called the actionless actions.

21. And in place of seeker of mukti appears the image of consciousness and the seeker of bliss himself becomes the provider of bliss.

22. Soul is the guide, mind is the thinker and the body is the performer. Hence when the thinker gets glued forever with the guide, the performer becomes perfect and therefore such a man is also called the man of perfection.

23. Here the thoughts percolating from the mind are serene and full of wisdom and the actions that filter out of ego-free mind become the acts of God.

24. It is a great awakening for you O mind, when you merge with the inner self for hereafter you become the guide of the body, as the self was your guide.

25. The body no longer waits for the command from the mind but being in direct contact with the awakened soul, it acts in total dedication to the humanity.

26. Such acts of the body attain perfection and therefore some call this state of perfection and the man earns the status of man of perfection.

27. And since the body acts spontaneously with no stress from the outer world or pressure from the confused mind, the man reaches the level of a wise man.

28. Even on this stage of unrealistic universe the body performs the acts of real consciousness and that is the reward it gets with mind totally surrendered to the self.

29. The writings become the scriptures of value and whatsoever the body does attains the divine stature. Thus the whole existence becomes an enlightened one --- no less than the incarnation of God.

30. The so disciplined body gradually merges in the awakened innerself to attain the everlasting bliss --- the body, the mind and soul abide in one peaceful abode and this is the stage of mukti.

31. Since good and bad depend on the judgement of the intellect and intellect pays little heed to the definitions provided by the inner self, realisation is not merely an intellectual attitude. It is the voice of consciousness that goes on echoing inthe innerself.

32. No action is good or bad, but intentions make it so, for there is nothing good or bad, but thinking makes it so. For good act good intentions are essential.

33. Since pleasure and sorrow are the experiences of the body and not that of the inner self, realisation is not merely a physical experience. It is the awareness of the presence of consciousness in the innerself.

34. Since meditation and sadhana are the tutors of unkempt mind and not that of the inner self, realisation is not merely an act of control over mind. It is the total surender of the mind to the innerself.

35. Absentation from action, speech and thoughts or indulgence in action, speech and thoughts are the outcome of either total ignorance or over intelligence and therefore are not the essentials for realisation. In state of realisation they find stream-line flow.

36. Realisation is not confined to intellectual, physical and mental level. It is a spiritual experience ---an unattached mind playing like a dewdrop on a lotus leaf where lotus leaf too is playing placidly in the wavering water.

37. Neither the peaceful functions of dewdrop nor that of lotus leaf are disturbed by the water-waves. In realisation too the thoughts and the mind are not disturbed by the turbulent happenings of the world.

38. The inner self guides the thoughts and therefore the speech and thereafter the actions. Hence the man of realisation first controls the mind and then the speech (senses) and thereafter guides the action (body) to reach the inner self.

39. The body that is free from the effects of pleasure and sorrow, the speech that becomes free from the clutches of neither rejectable nor acceptable attitude gives freedom to the mind and that freedom is realisation.

40. Realisation is not a thing to be attained or acquired. It is a state of awakening and viewing the rising sun of consciousness in the self.

41. Even the rising sun that is eclipsed by the clouds of ego, desires and all other evils, withers the meaning of life.

42. Sleep may be dull or deep or even incomplete, but the awakening in the morning is all freshness and it requires no pre-meditation or pre-planing. Man just finds himself awakened. This is realisation.

43. You see someone drawning and you suddenly rush to help him. This is awakening. You see a child crying and you sponteneously feel eagerness to console her. This is awakening.

44. You find someone losing a game and you without taking sides try to encourge him. This is awakening. You find someone winning a game and you immediately approach him to congratulate. This is awakening.

45. This awakening is sudden and momentary but when such awakened-state stays forever and lasts for the whole life, it becomes the state of realisation.

46. Man of realisation is not a sage and seeks not even the status of one to be worshipped. He craves not for name, fame and titles for these all form the clouds of ego and delusions of desires.

47. He is what he is for his actions crave not for results, his speech waits not for applause and his awakened mind desires not recognition and fame.

48. This wise man is an idol of perfection and is still an ordinary person, only the ego veil that was compartmentalising his self and mind gets removed.

49. This wise man is a liberated man and is still an ordinary person, only the desires that were pulling his mind away from the self gets nullified.

50. This wise man is a man of realisation and is still an ordinary person; only the impulses that were casting their dark shadow on his mind, get vanished.

51. He is a wise man who lives in present far away from the sour experiences of the past and craves not for the future through desires. He is also not a slave of promises because in the promises rests the nest of desires breeding ego.

52. There is nothing that cannot be attained and therefore the actions crave not for results. The life glides in peace, as there is no need for meditation and stricts rules of sadhana to cause interruptions or diversions.

53. There is absolute bliss and therefore senses desire for nothing and since there is nothing to gain there is no emergence of ego and since there is nothing to loose, there are no suffering and pains.

54. Even death appears as a passing phase, for pipal leaves that were dancing on the branches remain dancing even while falling down as dried leaves.

55. The soul was, is and shall ever be the same and if you identify yourself with the soul you too shall live forever as you are and as you were.

(Thus ended the eighth dialogue arising from meditation.)


Mind speaks
1. The soul is surely imperishable, so what happens to the mind that is merged with the self? What happens to the body that functions in unison with the mind merged with the soul?

2. I have no desire to be immortal but still answer to these questions will enlighten the secrets of immortality of which I have no konwledge.

The inner self answers
3. The mind in general is just as the carban is--- ready to burn and turn into ash. But if it is buried deep in the innerself it turns into diamond under the heat of the consciousness.

4. The mind is still an uncut diamond. But when body works on it --- i.e. performs actions in accordance with the thoughts of the liberated mind, this diamond gets cut and dexterously performed actions make it shine brilliantly.

5. However a stage comes when no further cuttiing is required. The body then becomes inactive and nears it death and decay.

6. The well-cut diamond shines like a star in the constellation of thoughts and it is with the help of these stars all other nevigators go on finding direction.

7. The awakened mind should not resort to inaction assuming that all activities beget attachment, for there are some involuntary actions like the breathing activity and abstention from it generates death

8. Resorting to inaction is itself an action --- it is an activity that diffuses all the actions, for there is action in inaction and inaction in action.

9. The awakened mind should not resort to thoughtlessness assuming that thinking provides a good play-ground for ego, for some thoughts are involuntary that flow like water in perennial rivers for irrigating the fertile land.

10. One who has unveiled the truth in himself, has ever-contented thoughts to enjoy the nectar of his own infinite peace for there are many such thoughts that face no disturbance from outer thoughts.

11. Thoughtlesness, in fact, is a stage where all the equipments of experiences, the contemplating mind, the consciousness of the self all work in unison with such spontaneity and promptness that they appear not to exist.

12. Since no time is lost in sponteneous interpretation of divine thoughts into action, all mental projections, imaginations, interpretations and the resultant restlessness vanish and mind as well as the body experience absolute ease while performing action.

13. The awakened mind should not resort to silence the intellect, for living happily in your divine spiritual nature is itself the state of intellect. This provides consciousness of the fact that there is nothing to assert or to negate.

14. Let not intelligence disturb the mind by affirming and negating things but let it remain as a torch to illuminate the inner self.

15. 'Live and let live' is an ego-free concept, an attachment-free activity and an agitation-free intellect and is well-established liberation of all the lives including the self.

16. Passions of the body, emotions of the mind and agitations of the intellect constitute a sorrowful world, but an awakened one without denying their existance enjoys the inner bliss.

17. The awakened one is neither of the world, nor created by the world and nor exists for the world yet lives in the world. He peacefully enjoys the inner bliss in the company of actions, thoughts and intellect as the pure consciousness lives in realm of unreality.

18. Thus the mind lives as long as the thoughts prevail and the body is remembered for the acts it performed.

19. Thoughts are the seeds which having spread everywhere take the form of plants and body is that plant which tells through its blossoming deeds about the seed from which it has germinated.

20. All our actions have to collect blessings for others. It is not an act of moving our inner self towards Moksha, but towards others inner self for it is necessary that we drift away from the concept of self's individuality.

21. When there exists no sense of individuality, our soul merges with the souls in other bodies like rivulets merging into each other gain momentum and move faster towards the sea of consciouness.

22. Drops of water collecting severally on the window pan go on mingling with each other and thus go on gaining momentum. It will be wonderous to watch if the life too flows in this pattern.

23. To give a part of the self to others is an act to add something positive to the self. For the innerself remains full even when a part of it is given or shared with others. Adding a part of others to our innerself adds to the glory of our innerself.

24. Give enhanced love while repaying love and give greater respect wherefrom respect comes to you.

25. Learn to love in such a way that the love loves the love you radiate and this love also learns to radiate more love than the love it seeks.

26. Say a prayer or a word of praise and you shall hear it echoing back to you. If you get angry and utter abuses, they will echo back to you for under the spell of ego the best crimes and sins are performed.

27. The Wiseman knows that the present life has not arrived in this world to experience the rewards of past noble life or to pay for the bad deeds of the past, it has to do something new and better too.

28. The Wiseman knows that the present life has arrived in this world to lead a noble life and to ensure lesser grief and torture in the next life.

29. For the Wiseman knows that the present life has arrived to live under all conditions and circumstances, anywhere and at all time and in any company in supremely serene and blissful present.

30. The Wiseman knows that for this he has to perceive nothing but the self in everything for there is nothing that is other than the self in him.

31. For him there is nothing unfriendly, nothing obnoxious, nothing disapproving, nothing annoying, nothing distracting, nothing deceitful, nothing unattainable, yet nothing to accomplish and nothing to gain.

32. The Wiseman indulges not in mad rivalry. Ego is aggressive all the time and therefore those who attain some status even through mediation, sadhana or sidhi get caught in the cobweb of ego and soon drift away from the self.

33. Egocentric person thus fails to attain anything and their entire life spent in meditation, sadhana or sidhi becomes a maddening pursuit for lust.

34. Wiseman knows that real meditation leads to self-realisation, self-awakening and ultimately attainment of state of liberation, where the inner self radiates its brilliance for humanity.

35. Wiseman knows that actions that are egocentric, intention motivated or prone to built desires can never establish goodwill amongst the people.

36. The glorious state where body, mind and intellect all merge with the inner self make the soul dynamic on par with the consciousness.

37. Dynamism means not only moving from darkness to light but also ensures leading all others from darkness to light.

38. Wiseman knows that he has to live as long as the body lingers and face the universe ruled by ignorance like a lamp that radiates rays dispelling darkness and motivates others to see the inner self as he is seeing.

39. He knows how to hold the reins of ego, tame the horses of desire and let the chariot of life move darkness to light, ignoring the other lesser gains in his pursuit of the ultimate gain of consciousness.

40. The Wiseman knows that nothing unreal exists if one concentrates only on real for when focus is on the inner self one perceives only real and nothing else.

41. The Wiseman knows that the mind, senses and body give meaning to the state of realisation for all of them are in the state of awaken ness during the entire life span.

42. In the state of realisation the body is in awaken-state and so are all its actions ready to perform the acts of God. Hence inaction at this stage is not inaccordance the will of God.

43. In this state self-alone is in action and therefore all actions are in perfect state. The desires arising due to senses, the ego sprouting in the mind and the impacts that the body feels have no interference with the actions.

44. In this state the actions are like the rising sun. The sun rises at the appropriate time, but others rise with it or not, is not its concern or worry.

45. In this state thoughts and actions are divine for the man of realisation intends to think and act so as to lead a life of righteousness.

46. There is no need of advice, no need for any outer control, no need for directives, no need of rules and laws to demonstrate the standards of living for the soul being part of the supreme knows all that even the richest scriptures cannot tell.

47. In this state the thoughts and actions give no misgivings or misunderstanding even when examined through any standards of righteousness.

48. In this state one sees neither the body in action nor the mind directing the actions but sees the self in action everywhere.

49. The body with its stock of senses and the mind with its treasure of intellect belong to the soul and thereby the self attains perfections of consciousness.

50. To live in consciousness is the sole essence of life. It is a divine state of dynamism --- leap into the Infinite Reality, where even the unreal reveals its inner reality.

51. Even death, which is the end of life reveals a life --- a continuation of reality for whatever that is real cannot be created or destroyed but exists in tact retaining its purity forever.

52. A state arises when control of mind through meditation and propagation of thoughts from the self take no time to provide enlightenment and tranquility.

53. The static state of mind and body get vanished and dynamism of the self takes the charge of entire life for then there exists no need to clean the intellect and clear the clouds of illusions.

54. This state arises when one soul implants itself in others and they together built strength to merge into each other without feeling alien. This is the supreme state of love.

55. By implanting our inner self in others, we learn how to behave with him. This gives direction to thoughts and strength to action.

56. The actions are free from limitations and circumstances and need no classification for whatever is pure in thoughts remain pure in action.

57. In this state every moment of life becomes dynamic and faces the life as it comes for the soul guides the mind to see only real and nothing else. In the unreal too the mind sees only the real part.

58. When we confront others, we see not the body and explores not the others mind, but peep only in the inner self and finds it as identical as our own inner self.

59. In this state we see only in the light of consciousness and therefore we do not get entangled in darkness or shadow.

60. In this state you have to perform nothing. You have to expose only me--- the one that is residing in you. Make yourself transparent to radiate my light outside and that will be your light.

61. As a drop of poison turns the entire nectar poisonous, even your minor selfish egoistic thinking makes me venomous and this can occur only due to your ignorance.

62. You are the same that I am. You need no other definition. You will get defined yourself, if you define me

63. In the state of realisation even when the awakened body becomes too weak to perform actions, the speech (senses) remains in awaken-state and so are all its contents.

64. In the state of realisation even when the awakened body and the awakened speech (senses) become too weak to perform the mind remains in awaken-state and that is the state of Moksha.

65. In spite of the unreal world around you, you built your own universe of realities and invite others to share the bliss of conscious contentment with you.

66. Therefore Oh Mind! Hold the reins of senses and be a charioteer of the life's chariot and encourage that body to perform action, which is riding this chariot and is competent to perform karma. You are the motivator.

67. Oh Mind! Be Gita to annihilate unrighteousness and to end the evils in the battlefield of life. You are the Lord Krishna. I am only a part of that consciousness which has given me the pleasure to incarnate in you.

68. Therefore Oh Mind! Motivate only that karma which do not tarnish celestial karma and write only those words which carry the essence of Gita. Do not care the curses of others because they are innocent and unwise.

69। Oh Mind! Do all in such a way that I do not have to incarnate myself again to read the minds of all beings. You be the sadhak of mukti (liberation) and grant me liberation.

भूपेंद्र कुमार दवे

Bhupendra Kumar Dave

Executive Director (Retd.)

43, Sahakar Nagar, Rampur,
